Friday, November 13, 2009

For Friday the 13th ... Russian Superstitions

In the spirit of Friday the 13th, I thought this would be an appropriate article for the blog. From first-hand experience I can tell you that Russians are a very superstitious people. Enjoy these fascinating - and quite ridiculous - Russian superstitions.

Russian Superstitions
The Western world is full of superstitions. Who hasn’t heard the dire claims about Friday the 13th? So many people fear this allegedly ill-fated day that there is even a name for the condition: paraskavedekatriaphobia.

Russia, too, has its share of superstitions. While some are similar to those in the West (a black cat crossing one’s path = bad luck), many Russian superstitions may take Westerners by surprise. Below you will find a random selection of Russian superstitions as well as superstitious beliefs Russians share with Westerners.

Read the rest of the story here ...

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